The good, the sometimes bad, and the occasional ugly truth of all that is happening in and around me while serving in Jinja Uganda as a missionary with Calvary Chapel.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
day one part deux/Day two
Well yesterday I ended up getting to hang out with some of the kids who live on the compound and it was really cool how they remembered me. We played duck duck goose and then they tried to teach me Lugandan. Then we had youth group and I got to meet some of the girls I'll be discipling. That was really cool. Then this morning I went to the 8am service and the same girls from last night came up to me eager to find out when we would be starting the Bible study, it sounds like it will be on Sundays at around 4. It's cool to kind of see my roles beginning to unfold and I'm just excited to see what all God has planned, although I do miss every one, this is truly an adventure.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Day one
Well, I'm still recovering from jet lag, but it seems like it might be getting a little bit better. Right now I'm sitting in the living room in my pjs after a great night's sleep. I can hear roosters crowing outside of the house and it's just crazy being here right now. I have no idea what this day may hold, so far I don't have any real plans. I'm curious to see what all God has planned for me.
Friday, August 29, 2008
I'm Here!!!!
Alrighty everyone. As I'm writing this, it is now about 8:10 and I'm sitting in the living room at the compound in Jinja, stoked out of mind that I'm able to have wireless. The flights over were long and the layover in London was painful. But getting here is surreal looking around and feeling like I was standing in the middle of a National Geographic picture. Thank you everyone for your prayers. So far I've just started unpacking and slept a lot more than I had wanted to, so hopefully I'll be able to get to sleep on time tonight.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
My last taste of America
It doesn't matter who you are there are two symbols that make feel like you're at home no matter where you are in the world, the golden arches from McDonalds and the Green circle from Starbucks. Needless to say, Jinja has neither of those, so here at the London airport I'm enjoying my last taste of the enterprise we call Starbucks.
In London

Right now I'm in the London airport after traveling so far for about 14 hours. I have a 12 hour layover here and I meet up with Jess and Bev and then head out at 3pm ABQ time for Uganda. Just thought I'd give you a little update. And as you can tell from the picture, I'm the past 72+ hours i've only gotten 10 hours of sleep. More info soon to come.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
4ish days...
I'm trying to get in the habbit of thorough communication as I will be leaving in about 4 days.
Today was jam packed full of all that comes with preparing to leave the country for two years. It began by recovering from a Bynadryl induced coma which in turn led to me getting a later start than I would like. Then I ran a couple of errands including Target (I should have invested in their stock as I've now been there about 5 times this week) and the Police Station to get my background check (no worries though, the guy pretty much laughed because I don't even have an accident on my record). From there I picked up some boxes from the bookstore and then went to the Pirolo's to tell them goodbye before they left to see Mat in Cali. It was surreal saying goodbye to those who have become my second family over these past several months. Then I went to take family pictures and it actually was kind of fun. Following that, I hung out with my boys at the Mall before I proceded to a family dinner (all 20 of us) where my requested meal of green chile chicken enchiladas with cranberries (yes, I know I'm white) and Dion's salad was served. It was awesome! I loved getting to spend some quality time with those who truly have put up with me through thick and thin and I'm so blessed to have a family that is so close. To finish the day I hung out with my boys again and we watched a couple of episodes of the office. Needless to say, it was a crazy but good day Currently, it is 3 in the morning and I'm having difficulties sleeping and so I took a break from packing to write this overly informative blog.
Today was jam packed full of all that comes with preparing to leave the country for two years. It began by recovering from a Bynadryl induced coma which in turn led to me getting a later start than I would like. Then I ran a couple of errands including Target (I should have invested in their stock as I've now been there about 5 times this week) and the Police Station to get my background check (no worries though, the guy pretty much laughed because I don't even have an accident on my record). From there I picked up some boxes from the bookstore and then went to the Pirolo's to tell them goodbye before they left to see Mat in Cali. It was surreal saying goodbye to those who have become my second family over these past several months. Then I went to take family pictures and it actually was kind of fun. Following that, I hung out with my boys at the Mall before I proceded to a family dinner (all 20 of us) where my requested meal of green chile chicken enchiladas with cranberries (yes, I know I'm white) and Dion's salad was served. It was awesome! I loved getting to spend some quality time with those who truly have put up with me through thick and thin and I'm so blessed to have a family that is so close. To finish the day I hung out with my boys again and we watched a couple of episodes of the office. Needless to say, it was a crazy but good day Currently, it is 3 in the morning and I'm having difficulties sleeping and so I took a break from packing to write this overly informative blog.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ok, so tonight I spent time with kind of my second family, the Pirolos. They have been more of a blessing to me than I will ever be able to express to them in words. We got together tonight because Mat is leaving for CCBC tomorrow morning and I leave in basically a week. It was so weird really thinking about how everything really is changing. I've been talking to people and they've been making plans to do certain things (some of the plans take place in a matter of only a couple of weeks) and I realize that I'm not going to be here to see those plans unfold. I really kind of have the breath taken out of me right now with the weight of how real everything is becoming and all that has to be done. I can't believe that in a matter of about 9 days (around 2 am on the 29th your time) I'll be arriving in Africa and beginning this next chapter.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A weekend full of craziness
Well, the crazy weekend has begun. I'm now in the middle of missionary training and last night I had a dinner where I was able to hang out with about 15 other missionaries. It was so cool to look around me and see so many people from all around the world who have been obedient to the call He has placed on their life. Another awesome thing that happened to me yesterday is I got my support for the month and it was equivalent to about a month and half's worth of support. God is truly blowing my mind (as seems to be the trend lately) and I'm not even on the field yet.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
13 Days!!!
Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe that I only have 13 days left before I go to Africa. I have to admit that I kind of just want to be there as the process to prepare to go is more emotionally draining than I care to admit. This weekend is the Meet a Missionary Weekend, and it's surreal that I'm a part of that and will have my own little display and be talking to people about what all I'll be doing. This past week I've had two videos made for me (one on the calvary website and the other will be shown in Vertical) and then I was also on the radio. Tonight my family is having dinner with the Rich's and so that will be cool to have them all meet and talk and hopefully feel a little more comfortable about everything. This weekend I also have a fundraiser, training, a missionary dinner, and my last official Vertical service. I honestly don't know how I feel about all this. I'm excited, sad, nervous, all at the same time. I'm just exhausted as I've gone through a roller coaster of emotions.
Friday, August 1, 2008
You're invited
Ok, wow! So the time has come where my goodbye party is just around the corner. The date has been set and the location secured. Please invite your friends. This is an optional pot luck, so if you can bring food, sweet! But if not, no worries.
When: Sunday, August 24th (three days before I go)
Time: 2 pm
Where: The HUB at Calvary of ABQ
RSVP: Call or write me if you have questions or want to let me know if you can make it.
So if you're in the 505 at that time, I hope to see you there!!!
When: Sunday, August 24th (three days before I go)
Time: 2 pm
Where: The HUB at Calvary of ABQ
RSVP: Call or write me if you have questions or want to let me know if you can make it.
So if you're in the 505 at that time, I hope to see you there!!!
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