Saturday, April 4, 2009

Be careful what you wish for

Today was totally one of those days where I question whether or not I made a mistake seeking to have more on my plate. It was an amazingly awesome productive day where I was able to take care of getting the ball rolling on starting to learn Luganda, had my own little nail salon for the kids (I know it's hard to believe, but see the next blog for details), focusing in on which schools to potentially pursue Bible studies in, preparing for this weekend's worship (don't worry, I just do the slides, I don't do anything with the music), and doing some advertising for events. I also was asked for some sketches in order to potentially help with illustrations for a book, I don't think I'm good enough for that yet, but we'll see how that goes. Needless to say it was pure insanity, and tonight during our Lost Party, I just was totally drained, I guess I haven't totally recovered from the late night due to my daddy's surgery. The one thing I hate about days like today is how you look back on it and realize how you were pretty much totally in the "flesh" for most of it. Tomorrow will be another busy day but I now have to pray that I will seek His strength and for His glory, not mine. All I have to say is "Phew!"

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