Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An unexpected opportunity

As I mentioned before, we have a couple of teams in town right now. One of the teams had some of their members running a medical clinic in a village. Yesterday, in an unusual spontaneous decision, I decided to go and check out the work they were doing. Originally, I had only planned to stay a couple hours, but a couple of hours turned into seven. I went with the lady who was organizing the clinic and told her to put me wherever, and she told me that I could help with crowd control and praying with people after they had finished seeing the doctors. Little did I realize just how much God was in that plan to put me there. I've been learning Luganda now for about 3 months and although I knew things, I tended to lack the confidence to really use it, but this time I had no choice and God is so good to bring to mind the things we have learned in order to minister to His people and I ended up being able to send my translator to go and do other things because I as able to manage without their help. By the end of the day, I was sunburned and completely exhausted but had the joy of knowing that God used me in such a unique way by ministering to people in their own language. Now, I don't want to sound like I'm boasting because seriously it's not me, God has helped me to pick up the language very quickly and I just can't wait to see the doors that will open to that. It was just such an awesome day of having a little mission trip and doing a little something out of the ordinary. All I can say is, to God be the glory.

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