Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cool down

Growing up, I used to watch this show on the Disney Channel called "Mickey's Mousercize" it was basically Jazzercize for kids - I know like I really had to break it down for you. Anyways, at the end of the episode they always had a cool down time where they would stretch and do all the cool down things that technically you're supposed to do after working out but nobody ever does. Well, during that segment, they always had a song that went along with it and go figure the main lyrics are "COOOOLLLL DOWWNNNN", well that's the song that's going through my head right now as I sit here typing this. All that to say it's cool down time in my world.

Starting from 6:30ish on, the nightly routine is pretty much the same every day of the week except for Friday and Sunday. We eat a family style dinner (these days it's been a really big family), then after cleaning up we all plop down to watch a movie, by about 10ish it's time to head home and Bev being the good woman that she is walks me to my house-just for some extra chat time and "just to be safe' (honestly I love those times because normally we have too many people around to really just be able to talk), and then I sit myself down in front of my "baby" (i.e my Apple) and check out facebook, try and respond to some e-mails, potentially write a blog, and all this while listening to the sounds of Africa at night - the crickets chirping, dogs barking, music going, and my neighbors. From this, I progress towards PJs (one of my life motos is "life's too short for uncomfortable pajamas"), and I climb the obstacle course up to my bed: step on the step ladder onto my desk, then to my dresser, then onto my bed. I turn on the fan, set my alarm, and turn on my iPod and then flip to the page on my book that's on my iPod that I'm currently reading - I've gone through Pride and Prejudice, A Christmas Carol, Alice in Wonderland, and I'm now about to finish Pilgrim's Progress - it's really a great way to read without needing a night light. Finally it's time to drift off to dream land.

Yes, I do realize I just wrote a whole post about my nightly routine, but...well...what can I say: 1) I'm WAY too informative and 2) I must be progressing towards the latter part of that description. Hopefully tonight I can go to sleep without the assistance of my good friend Nyquil since he has been my trusty side kick these past couple of nights due to this nasty cold I've had. Well...the time has come for me to bid thee adieu cyber world...well, for tonight at least.

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