Friday, April 23, 2010

A little R and R

This past week...well really even this past month has been one for the books. I don't know if I've ever really been busier in my life - ok, that's maybe a lie, but it's at least one of the top five busiest months that I can remember. When I get busy and have things kind of mounting up, I'm really good at getting overloaded and on the verge of breaking, but yesterday I was able to hopefully be able to prevent myself from crumbling into a mess on the floor by being able to get away for the day.

It was a long day, but just what I needed! My friend Emily was such a trooper and went with me to Kampala (about 2 hours away) and we had ourselves our own little adventure. We began by taking public transportation there which is an adventure in and of itself. Just getting on the minibus was funny because everyone's shouting prices and locations. The bus doesn't leave until it's filled and so we left by about 9. Finally reaching Kampala at around 11:15 we got off and found ourselves a piki driver and I won't even begin to tell you the various traffic violations he did even before getting on the main road. We road up to where the salon was that we had our hair appointments at, and I actually found it without getting lost...I have to admit that's pretty huge for me. The hair cut was a glorious experience where the shampooing was followed by a nice little shoulder massage and while you're getting the fastest haircut of your life, you are offered a cup of tea or coffee. Now I'm a sucker for good customer service, so this was just awesome! After getting our hair "did" it was time for the next part of the adventure of going and having lunch at a coffee shop, perusing around two of the somewhat western stores (think a step down from wal-mart or our usual grocery store) and then getting on public again. After some close encounters, we finally got back home.

After getting back, it was Emily's son's birthday so while I wrapped some presents she frosted the cake and we headed out again this time for Chinese to celebrate the little man's 5th birthday. It was a lot of fun, although I feel horrible because I misplaced the bag that had the candles and the masks and party blowers. I had gotten him this baseball bat that also worked as a water gun and so in the grass at the restaurant we played a good game of baseball. While I was pitching, I threw the ball to Emily and when she swung, the foam part of the bat came flying and smacked me right in the face, I won't lie it was pretty painful, but also fling flangin hilarious. After eating the food we just partook in some amazing birthday cake (think borderline molten chocolate cake from Chile's) and we just dove in and ate from the pan with our spoons. After riding in the bed of the truck with the birthday boy across the bridge we dropped off the kid's and Phil (Emily's husband) and we went to game night where we played one of the funnest games of spoons of my life - that statement may or not be aided by the fact that I totally dominated and was the winner, but that's besides the point. It was really fun though because it was all people I knew who were playing against each other and the final show down was between Ryan and I and you could almost audibly hear the theme song from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I have battle wounds today, but it really was good times!

Well, that's the super long lowdown of a perfect day away and now I'm ready to take on the crazy weekend ahead of me. I'm so thankful God gives us these times of rest - He really does know just how much we can handle.

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