We began the day with worship and then instructed the kids on how to have a quiet time and sent them out around the campus to have some time alone with God and reading Philippians 1.
After they came back from their quiet time, Jess taught on how to "Be a Servant" which honestly fits so perfectly since he's who I would consider the best servant of Chist that I know (but don't tell him I said that ;) ). He did a great job and challenged the students to serve someone they didn't know at the conference during the rest of the day.
Right after we had that teaching, we took all 100 students out to a slum area we call Works. We had everyone from the cool guys, to the "princesses", to the kids who are typically street children picking up trash and serving in that way. I think it was probably a bit of a humbling experience for all of them because it's definitely something they don't think about doing. It was really awesome seeing them all serve like that and I just hope they continue to humble themselves and put others first.
Once we got back from that, we had some more small group time and me having a wee bit of a heart attack due to our cook and the food not being ready on time for lunch. But through challenges, that's where you can typically grow together the most, and our leaders really did help me out and really bless me as they rallied together to take care of keeping the students preoccupied while we figured out how to change things around to accomodate the new schedule.
After we were finally able to have lunch, we had a great teaching by Bev about how we are to "Be Making Disciples" where she challenged them in how they are what represents Christ to the people around them. I think several of the students were shaken to their core and I pray that they will truly take what God's Word says about how they represent him and make some changes in their lives.
After Bev's teaching and another time for small groups, we had Ryan preach it up on how to "Be Examples". He used an awesome illustration of having two of the students sword fight using candle sticks to show that the candles weren't good for fighting, they were meant to bring light and that's what our job is.
After Ryan taught, we had small groups and then it was game time! We started it out with a game called "Princess, Knight, Rider" where the students walk around the circle with a partner and when I call out either "princess" "knight" or "rider" they have to do the appropriate action or they're out. We had a lot of laughs with that one.
We also had a contest with making clothing out of TP. The kids really had fun with it and Jess, Bev, and JB were our judges.
Then it was time for the relay game. They had to carry a water balloon between their legs, then carry a cotton ball on a spoon, and then come all the way back to the start by hitting a softball with a banana.
We ended the games with a good ol'e fashioned water balloon fight.
Once the games were over, we had some dinner. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the power was out the whole day. That just kind of added to the "flexibility" factor. But praise God for generators and the fact that Bev has a very good relationship with the power company's technician so we were able to finally get power as we were setting up for the last event of the day. We figured it was time to introduce these kids to the game of Spoons. So with the 30 students who were still around by then, we rearranged the church, put up a few tables, and had an incredibly noisy but awesome time playing that crazy game.
As we were cleaning up from that, my guys forced me to go home and take a shower and go to sleep. I guess I didn't do a very good job at not showing how much the exhaustion was taking over me. They were so good to me for doing that though and I'm not sure if they'll ever know what a blessing they were.
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