The fact that we insist on proving that we are right is almost always a clear indication that we have some point of disobedienceOswald Chambers
I like to argue... for some of you who know me, that really doesn't come as much of a surprise. The sad thing is that my arguing knows no limits, where even a lot of times I find myself arguing with God. I am the queen of rationalization and I like to say that if I really try, I can talk myself into/out of anything. Well...lately I've been struggling with getting along with a certain person. In dealing with said person in talking to others, I like to clearly define why I'm right, why they are in the wrong, why it's ok that I'm not showing them grace, why they don't deserve forgiveness or for me to apologize in any way/shape/form. Well... the thing is that deep down I know how I'm supposed to deal with him I just was in a debating match with God for the past week or so over it.
It's funny because the book of James I think is one of the most read books of the Bible but even as I've read it/studied it time and time again God is faithful to stab that double edged sword in a new location to expose and remove another vile thing that I tolerate in my life. This morning I was in chapter two and at one point James brings things back to that one command that pretty much sums everything up, "love your neighbor as yourself". James is also good to mention that awesome little thing about "anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins". Yeah... ouch. So basically a couple of months ago, God was opening my eyes to the love 1 Corinthians 13 describes and He just keeps adding to it. The thing is no matter how hard I look, there's no caveat, there's no loop hole... it doesn't say "love your neighbor as long as he's not ticking you off" or "love is kind only when that person deserves it"... nope it's plain and simple. And here's the thing, like I mentioned before, if I know I should be showing love to those who it's hard to, if I know I need to forgive, show mercy, be kind to everyone no matter what... and then I don't do it, it's yet again that nasty three letter word, "SIN". Sin is missing the mark, it's not living the way or doing what God has called you to, it's disobedience and as Jesus says, "If you love me, obey my commandments". So needless to say, the quote given at the beginning of this post really just makes sure to plunge that sword in deeper than it was already. I need to love, I need to obey... no ifs, ands, or buts about it.