As the fire died down we began hearing reports about how thieves were attempting to take advantage of the goods that the people still had left that were now out in the open. The guys cleared the benches in the church and put matreses down in case those who lost their homes needed a place to stay, or at least have the women and kids stay here while the men guard the few things that remained. The interesting thing was though that no one came to take advantage of it as they really just couldn't bare to leave their things.
The next day, things went into full swing as the church provided porridge for the people in the morning to put at least something in their stomachs. We also put up a tent made with a huge Samaritan's purse tarp in order to provide some covering for people to protect them and their belongings from the elements.
That night we brought the youth group over to see if there was anything we could do to help, such as helping move the things under the tent but the people just wanted to take care of it themselves so we ended up doing an impromptu VBS and my youth and I realized just how little we knew what to do with kids. But we did our best and in the end the kids were in two groups and two sets of students laid out the Gospel to these kids (some of whom were Muslim). It was honestly one of the shining moments for me in ministry as I heard my students telling these kids about Jesus' love for them. I just can't stress how cool it was seeing these kids all with their own challenges (some were street kids and AIDS orphans) ministering to others.
Right after we finished with that, the skies opened up. It was amazing! We had been praying for rain for so long and finally it came. The youth group made a mad dash for the church as I got the van to take some of them to their homes. In the end I was wait, tired, and had a couple of battle wounds but it was totally worth it!
Now we are just praying about the next steps in trying to minister to the families who lost everything.
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