"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32
Over the past year God has definitely softened my rough edges but there are still some that are very much there. This verse seems to be radiating in my mind as I embark on a new year. I go through my day asking for people to be more kind or compassionate and yet I tend to fail miserably at doing it myself. This past year has been so crazy tough that words cannot describe it, well... I guess it wasn't the whole year but just the last couple of months and I've been hurt by a lot of people but that doesn't matter, I need to forgive as I have been forgiven, what a crazy thing to really think about. I mean, can you imagine if we all just lived out this one verse... let alone the other 31,239 verses in Scripture? If we just made a point to show kindness to others, including fellow drivers, waitresses, co-workers, etc... that would be an awesome start but then to add to that compassion... wow! Compassion recognizing we're all dealing with our own pain and battles, showing grace to those who need it the most... we all like to receive it but how quick are we to show it? And the final part is forgiveness... but not as the world forgives but as He has forgiven us. Oh my goodness what a tall order... but that's my goal. Of course, it's January 1st and I've already failed at this but I will make it my goal to each day try to do a little better at being a doer of this verse and not just a reader/hearer of it.
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