16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Five years ago when I had moved to Uganda, my boss, Jesse, had talked about how you can read through the Bible in a year with reading 2 chapters of the Old Testament, 1 chapter from Psalms, 1 chapter from Proverbs, and 1 chapter of the New Testament each day. That’s when I began to take on that endeavor. I have now read through the Bible every year since then. I’m not saying that to toot my own horn or anything like that but simply to share that 1) it’s possible and 2) I’m not sharing something with you that I haven’t been able to do myself. It is absolutely mind blowingly amazing when you go through Scripture no matter what reading plan you may have, but never has it been so dynamic for me than when I’ve done it in the way I explained above.
Today’s quiet time consisted of Exodus 13, 14; Psalm 32; Proverbs 1; and Romans 4 and somehow they all seemed to tie together. I love it because God knows exactly what we’re going to read and He orchestrates the passages in such crazy ways. One little thing was Romans 4 quotes Psalm 32!!! I was blown away and then had to think to myself, ok…if God is repeating something to me on the same day, what’s He trying to tell me? Exodus 13 and 14 are about the consecration of the first born, God faithfully leading His people and crossing the Red Sea. Psalm 32 also hits on how God is able to guide us and Romans 4 is about Abraham’s faith that God is able to do the impossible. And honestly, I could go on even more, but those lessons are between God and I. I simply wanted to encourage whoever was reading this to 1) read your Bible period and 2) if you are, try to read systematically through at least a book if not through the whole Bible.
Our God is an awesome and personal God who delights in when His kids seek to know Him more. Words can’t describe how awesome it is to hear His voice…the Creator of the universe, God Almighty wants to spend time with you and talk to you… we just need to take time to listen.
What an encouragement you are to so many with this awesome truth!
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