Monday, September 8, 2008

It's really beginning to get underway...

Ok, so today was my technical first day of the school of ministry here in Jinja. If anyone ever thought that it would be cake, boy were they wrong. One of the biggest things I'm going to have to do is outline every chapter of the Bible looking for specific things as well as do other work for the courses being taught such as systematic theology, apologetics, etc... To add to that, I have my girl's Bible study every week that I get to study for, and some other projects that are beginning to be put onto my plate now that people know what I've done before. I'm so excited because I thrive off of being busy, now it's starting to hit so fast, I'm just afraid I'm going to do too much, but I wouldn't be me if that wasn't the case. Also, today, we had a staff meeting that lasted about two and a half hours but it was a neat time to hear what's going on here some of the issues and how the locals approach thing. I'm learning so much, and I know I haven't scratched the surface yet.

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