So tonight at youth group we had what is called a Ka Fancy Fancy. It's a night where things kind of get shaken up, it's more about fellowship than a teaching and the kids get hooked up with some food. Tonight was a blast because I played volleyball with the girls and none of us were really good, but they were just laughing and having a great time, so it was really awesome just getting to play with them. We then had worship and then I did announcements and broke the kids up into groups to talk about what they've learned and then prayed for their next school term. It was awesome because I had the girls who were in secondary (high) school and they were the smallest group out of the bunch, but it's just so cool getting to talk to them.
I had a revelation during this small group time while we were in prayer. There were a couple of the girls who were praying and they were praying in their own language and it just kind of hit me that God doesn't hear prayers in English, it really reminded me of that time in the book of Acts after the disciples received the Holy Spirit and were speaking all the languages there and everyone was able to know what they were saying. God doesn't need an interpreter, He's not the God of western civilization or America and although I knew that, it was just so cool to really have it hit me in the way that it did! Our God is truly so good!
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