The ministry that I get to do on Wednesdays is at a school called Spire Road Primary School. I teach the kids who are in the younger age brackets and so I've just been going through the book of James. Again, it's just one awesome open door God has given us, and I'm so thankful we get to go in here and teach these kids.

One awesome unexpected opportunity God has given me is to teach the kids of our staff members as well as some of their friends. It's very informal and whoever wants to come, can. These kids are so on fire for His Word, and although it used to just be on Sundays that I taught them, they have asked for even more. Now, we get together to go verse by verse through the New Testament on Saturdays and then on Sundays we go verse by verse through the Old Testament. It's a challenge, especially since kids are not really my forte and I have absolutely NO experience teaching them, I don't really change too much of what I teach them than if I were teaching adults and so far they seem to still be learning, so it's been awesome to see glimmers of fruit. Pray they stay on fire for Him as they grow up.
One of the most challenging ministries that I have, is the ministry to the high school aged girls. No matter where you go in the world, this can throw challenges, but little by little we are getting closer and they are learning that I am here to not so much be there friend as I am to pour into them and help them grow in their walks with God above everything else. About three weeks ago, there was hopefully a sort of breakthrough with them where I pray they finally began to get just how much He loves them. We have been going through the book of John for a year now and are just now getting into the last 24 hours of Jesus' life. It's been difficult at times, but at the same time, it's those hard times that can make the good ones so much sweeter.
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