There are few things less amazing and humbling than just getting to have God do all the work and give some awesome fruit to ministry. After an already somewhat crazy day, I went to a coffee shop and partook of a glorious "London Fogesque" tea drink and then went to teach at one of the high schools here.
The doors God has opened at this school are cooler than words could ever explain. Not only do they allow me to go in there and teach a Bible study, but I have totally autonomy and don't really have to consult anyone as to what I do or how I do it. They have a sort of Bible club there that meets during lunch but it's seriously just a little TBN with kids walking around the room hooping and hollering and an out of context teaching so I kind of wanted to separate myself from that. So every Thursday I am able to go into the school at 4:40 and teach for however long I want to. Well, last term there were maybe 4 students who came but this term more people continue to come and today we had about 20 kids there. I'm so stoked, I can't even begin to tell you. There's seriously nothing fancy about it, I don't even do any sort of "worship" because that tends to open the doors for some madness when it comes to these students, it's purely the Bible being taught line by line, word by word in the book of Ecclesiastes.
Today we were in 5:1-7 and basically the focus was on worship, prayer, and promises and just having the right attitude when you come to God. I've loved teaching the book of Ecclesiastes because it's kind of one of those underdog books that seems like it's rather depressing, but it's so true and has so much to teach especially the youth. Time and time again Solomon emphasizes the pointlessness of life if God is not in the center - you can have all the money, relationships, titles, etc... but it's all for nothing if you aren't living for Him. It's been great getting to know the students and growing with them as God has really been teaching me a lot during this study as well. It was just too cool!
After that I took a little break for dinner and then I spent some time with Peace (JB's daughter) and went through Matthew 2 with her because she has school when I normally teach the other kids that study. We just hung out and talked and I love how even though she's ten she has such passion and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in her life. As she and I were finishing, the other kids asked me if they could meet with me for yet another Bible study (mind you we already meet twice over the weekend). We're going to try it out tomorrow night and see if they're up to it. I realize that it's a lot but having ten year olds eager to learn more about God is one fire that I don't want to go out so I'll do whatever it takes to encourage that desire with hopes that as they are being trained in the way that they go, they will not depart from it when they're old.
I just praise God for all of these opportunities. It just never ceases to amaze me how He works as truly it is ALL His doing as He's brought these things and seriously just dropped them in my lap with little or no initial pursuit on my part. He's just so awesome!
The good, the sometimes bad, and the occasional ugly truth of all that is happening in and around me while serving in Jinja Uganda as a missionary with Calvary Chapel.
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