On the mission field, you get used to missing out on certain big events in the lives of those who are still back in your home country. You see the pictures of the weddings and the babies, you hear the stories, and you just kind of accept that it's part of life as a missionary. But then there comes the milestones that you miss out on that hurt and you know that if it didn't cost thousands of dollars to go back for that event, you'd be on the first plane. Well, one of those milestones is going to happen tonight as my brother graduates from high school. I sometimes can't believe that I'm not going to be there for this event of his life. My family and I are all very close and so it's just pretty painful to be away for this big event. The main comfort I get is from the verse, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters- yes, even his own life- he cannot be my disciple". The work that God has called me to in following him comes first, there's a time for everything and it's just not the time for me to go back to the States for this. But boy howdy is it tough missing out on this one! Anyways, just thought I'd give y'all a little insight into this little struggle of mine.
If any of you who read this, know my brother Kyle O'Hea, give him a huge hug and tell him "Princess!" He'll know what it means. I love this guy more than words can ever say, and am just so glad I get to see him when he comes to visit me in just about 2 months.
1 comment:
It pains me to see this message because I can hear your heart hurting. To say that we miss you would be like hearing a scuba diver say that he misses air when his tanks run out.
It's not like we don't know why you are there and not herer. It's just that even taking a family photo doesn't feels right without you in it. It's like cheesecake without graham cracker crust or strawberries. I mean it's OK - just not nearly as good.
The only good thing I do think about is that you are where you are because God wants you there. It is not for me to question IF or WHEN God wants you home.
Your little brother did a great job getting through to the end of a VERY difficult task. But it proves to him that he can do anything that he puts his mind to.
I am so glad that you will be seeing him in a couple of months. He is REALLY starting to talk about it alot. He misses you so so much. We all do. I pray God keeps you comforted in HIM and makes the time go by quickly until Kyle gets there.
Love you so much poppie
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