Saturday, January 10, 2009

I dare you to move

There's this Switchfoot song called "Dare You to Move" and it's so true. I encourage you all not to just live vicariously through me as you read these blogs, but realize that you have your very own mission field right where you're at, you seriously don't have to go to Uganda to be a part of His work. Never think for one minute that the way God is using you is any less important than what God is doing with me here. Take those steps of faith, talk to that person God's been calling you to talk to for some time, share with your mom who doesn't know the love of Christ that He loves her more than she'll ever fully comprehend, whoever it may be in your life that God has laid it on your heart to speak to be it a family member, friend, or the cashier at the grocery store. We're simply called to "move".

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