Monday (day one of the adventure) was seriously one for the books. It started out with me waking up at 5 and we were on the road by 6:20. I had my coffee in hand and was ready to go. It was a cool first couple of hours as we drove to Mbale where I was able to see Mt. Elgon which is the mountain where AIDS and the Ebola virus began. Then we drove into uncharted territory for all of us and drove through the middle of nowhere (aka the land of Karamaja). We really realized we were potentially lost as we were crossing riverbeds and driving for long distances and seeing a lot of villages of huts in the distance.
But we were going by the map, so we kept on trucking and while we were driving I perfected the art of drinking a fanta while being tossed about in the car. We finally found our way to Moroto which looked so much like the foot hills of Albuquerque, it wasn't even funny.
The Kiramajong are a group of people who wear the blankets kind of in a toga like fashion or as a kind of skirt and big earrings and their entire life is concentrated around raising cattle which is their determination of wealth. They are primarily located along the Kenya border and are actually the lowest on the totem pole when it comes to the tribes in Uganda. They are known for attacking and robbing people, but as always is the story with a few rotten apples which spoil the reputation of a fascinating group of people. One thing that's difficult is they are going through a huge drought and therefore they are starving. There are UN compounds, World Health Organization, and Food Security programs all over there. Seeing little kids with bloated bellies and really realizing that they are literally starving is just unreal to think about.
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