Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A piece of history

As many of you are all doing right now as I'm writing this, I'm also watching the inauguration. It's just crazy watching CNN and they're talking about people around the world watching this and I'm just thinking "hey, that's me!" We were all gathering around our tv watching the whole thing and it's just unreal to be here and see it all take place even though I'm 8000 miles away.

I have to admit I'm here as a missionary and I should be living a life that is seeking to please God, but I fell so short when it came to my attitude toward Obama. One thing He calls us to do is to love others and as it says in Romans 13, our governing authorities are God's servants and we are to respect them. God can put people in power and He can take them out. As much as I may not agree with some certain aspects of Obama's policies, he is still our president and as this election was bathed in prayer, we know that this part of God's plan for our country and our world. I was admittedly one who listened to those rumors about him wanting to change the national anthem or placing his hand on the Qur'an, but in 1 and 2 Timothy it speaks of avoiding chatter - those things that have no validity. No matter what your political affiliation please pray for our president and his family that he would lead with wisdom.

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