Friday, January 2, 2009

My Miroto Adventure Part 2

Once we made it to Moroto, we met up with Noah who was a former School of Ministry student and he brought us to this pastor’s house where we had some big momma cokes that they have there because that’s where the second tallest man ever was born. We then went to the prison where we were able to speak with the Officer in Charge (who Jesse knew from Jinja) and Jesse was able to kind of witness to one of the head hanchos who was “religious” but didn’t have that saving relationship with Christ. Jesse then was able to teach about 100 or so prisoners and we also gave them some uniforms because some of them were still wearing torn old clothes.

After the prison, we went and had some local food at the pastor’s house- it was very good and not nearly as sketchy as I thought it was going to be. We then went to our hotel or “guest house”, now by Moroto standards or really most African standards it wasn’t too bad at all, but by spoiled city girl standards, it was “interesting” to say the least – hence the documentation of the spider. They also just had a big bucket of water and a basin in your room for you to bathe in if you so desired. I have to admit all the Dateline specials I’ve seen highlighting the sketchy things that can be in hotel rooms has tainted me for life and therefore it was a night full of prayer and me constantly saying to myself “God is bigger than big terrible spiders”.

We took tea (or in my case, I took coffee) at the guest house and then we went to Noah’s for another big momma soda and one of the best chipates (kind of like a tortilla) I’ve ever had . Jess, Bev, and I were exhausted so as we decided it was time to head back to get some sleep. Going outside, I saw more stars than I’ve ever seen in my life, it was unbelievable! I love looking at the stars more than really anything in the world and I was just in awe! It was seriously like a blanket of stars, you could even see the outlines of the constellations, not just the three stars you can normally see, but all the little ones that make up the whole thing. It was truly amazing!

After getting back to the guest house and spraying about half a can of Doom (bug killer) I read a little bit and then went to bed. It was an awesome day.

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