So the birthday festivities began on Sunday. After having the incredibly hard goodbyes, one of my friends took me and another one of our friends whose birthday was the week before mine to stay at a little hotel just about 2 miles from our compound. There was a beautiful little pool and we rocked some delicious pizza and just hung out. It was awesome, although I feel bad that I was kind of a kill joy because of what had transpired earlier that day. Then on Monday, we hung around at the pool some more and then on our way back to the church, I decided to stop and get a massage to try and further decompress from both the goodbyes and the children’s outreach. And for about twelve dollars for an hour long massage, can you blame me?
Then on Tuesday, it was like my birthday had just continued, because Bev made fajitas for me. In case you didn’t know, the fajitas we make hear are my #1 favorite meal. Not only did Bev rock the fajitas, but Ryan also slaved away in the kitchen making lasagna so that it would be ready for my real birthday.
By the time my actual birthday rolled around on Wednesday, I was already feeling pretty loved and it only got better with the numerous text messages, phone calls, e-mails, and the insane amount of facebook well-wishers. The day was really low key and honestly, it was perfect. I woke up and had my usual morning routine of coffee and quiet time, and then Ryan and I went to the gym. From there we went to Ozzie’s which is one like the “town diner” so to speak amongst the missionary community. I got hooked up with an awesome breakfast and as Ryan so lovingly put it in a way only a big brother could, “You ate more than I’ve ever seen you eat before!” But if you can’t have a cinnamon roll, eggs, hashbrowns, and a little bacon on your birthday...then life is just sad! From there I traversed across Main Street to the Source Cafe for one of their amazing iced latte’s and spend some nice time with good ol’e C.H. Spurgeon. And after spending some time there, I continued in the consuming of beverages and went to Flavours to try their pina colada mango smoothie and got several new books to read on my iPod - you know adding to my collection of my “old dead guys”.
It was then time to head home where I was able to just chill on my veranda and take in the beautiful day. Then it was time for service, and it was awesome because since it was the first Wednesday of the month, we had communion (more on that and my birthday in another post). After church it was party time! Judy and Rochelle decked out my chair in balloons and had two Alvaro Passion’s (my favorite soda) waiting for me at my seat. We had Ryan’s amazing lasagna and garlic bread and I honestly didn’t think life could get a whole lot better. Then it was time for the cake...and man oh man. It was layers of chocolate goodness decorated in M&M’s and it was just awesome! After taking cake to our staff and their families, I cam back and opened presents. Let me just say that I have amazing friends...well, they’re more than friends...they’re another family to me and I’m so blessed to have them while I do.
It really was such an amazing birthday and it still hasn’t finished. I was basically forced to take some time away for a couple of days and so I’m at Sipi Falls, where it’s super cool and rather rustic. I have my own little bungalow that all it has is a huge bed that is sitting on a bed frame made of stone and my door is open (it’s got a top and bottom) and I have two HUGE waterfalls right outside. It’s been awesome to just have the quiet and read and I’m stoked to have the whole day tomorrow to just hang out with God in His amazing creation. Talk about an awesome birthday!!!!
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