Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our "special" dvd's

So here there's a pretty amazing bootleg dvd market. You can find shops on main street selling copies of movies that are still in movie theaters because why... they were most likely shot in the movie theater (seriously in some copies you can see the silhouette of people getting up) or they are just some how ripped off a random copy. The other night, we actually had kind of a fun and unusual DVD experience where we were watching Madagascar 2 (so good!) and all of the sudden it switches to some eastern european/slavic language, it was hilarious! So needless to say it's pretty entertaining whenever we get local copies of movies. Just thought you'd all enjoy another "only in Africa" experiences.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha we have that in Asia too, it's hilarious to have such randomness in a movie. It always reminds me of Japanese anime when it switches languages and so I always end up laughing at all the serious parts and thus I laugh at all the wrong places :D


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