Friday, January 14, 2011

Standing Strong Youth Conference: Day 2

So once again, I'm up much later than my little body so wishes, but I couldn't help but share about the awesomeness that was today. It started with meeting with my guys and going over the day and hearing some of what the kids had been learning (That's the one bummer about being an administrator, you don't get to have as much interaction with the kids). We then prepared for the day. I then sent them to go and have their quiet times before the kids got there because so often with events like this, leader's quiet times fall to the wayside.

By 9 the kids were showing up, taking tea, and eating mandazis. By 9:30, it was time for the students to spread out and have their quiet times. This was by far my highlight to the day. Looking around and seeing these 80 + kids seated with their Bibles open, pens out, and just really being still and reading what his Word has to say; as well as seeing my leaders scattered around helping kids if they had questions about what they read and making sure that they were truly spending time ALONE with God. For this conference they were studying the book of Ephesians and it sounds like they really got a lot out of it. After quiet times, it was time for the first teaching of the day, which was done by one of our leaders, Jacob. This was followed by small group time. From there we again had more worship, and then it was Bev's turn to teach. We then rocked some lunch and went right back into some awesome praise and worship (I seriously loved hearing all their voices and seeing them just have fun praising their God). Steven, our prison pastor, then taught. Which again was followed by small group time. And then it was time for games.

We began with lining up water balloons and since we finished studying the books of poetry (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs), I asked them a variety of questions from those books. If they got the answer right, they would have one shot with a balloon. After that, absolute chaos broke loose as the balloons were thrown. We then had a short volleyball match while some of us set up for Spoons. Oh man...Spoons... you know, a lot of people can get into that game, but just imagine 100 youth in a dining area with music blaring playing that game. It was absolutely insane! The noise level in there was through the roof but everyone had a blast and those of us who didn't have room to play may or may not have had ourselves our own little dance party. From there it was a delicious dinner, and then cleaning up. Once that was all over with, I had to wait with a group of kids whose ride was running super late. Even though I was exhausted, it was really cool because I had never really hung out with that group before and some bonds were made.

This conference has definitely rocked my face off and according to what the students have told me, it's been one of the best. What I love in doing these sort of things, is that what I do isn't noticed. People don't have any idea about the schedules, the supplies, the menus, the planning. All they see is the finished product and the faces that go along with it - my leaders, the worship team, the cooks. The team God has blessed me with amazes me, and I'm just so thankful that He truly gets to be the one who's glorified. It's not about anything I am or do, it's all about Him and the work He's doing the lives of my students, leaders, and even myself. He's really done an awesome work in this conference and we still have tomorrow to go. I can't wait!

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