Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So here the word "plan" is a four letter word (if you can catch my drift). And there was a certain company who made a "plan" of digging a trench that was about 3 feet deep and a foot wide all down the street that we live on in order to lay a cable for them to have internet. So currently you drive down our beautiful Bell Ave. and you see these mounds of dirt that line this said trench. Well, I didn't really know that the trench was quite as pronounced as it was, and as I was taking the back way to our compound I turned the corner, and there were the mounds of dirt, but until that point that's all that I thought it was... and being that I was in a very sturdy 4 wheel drive SUV, I thought, "this is cake, it's just going over a couple of hills". Well... about mid way of going up the first mound I see that on the other side of the mound was this nice big trench and at that point I and my vehicle went "WHAM!" as the front tires slammed into the trench. I was where a lot of guys were who thought they would offer their services of getting me out of there, but of course I knew their "act of kindness" was not going to be free of charge, and since I was about 100 yards away from the church, I called in for rescue. It just so happens that we've been having a pastor's conference and so in about 5 minutes out of the gate came about 20 pastors and guys in leadership, and no joke it was like they were in slow motion (think Monster's Inc when they're all going to their post). So yes... yet again I was a "damsel in distress", and the guys picked up the front of the car and lifted me out of my little "situation". The good thing is that the car is fine, even the tires don't have anything wrong with them, and I got a couple of bumps but nothing serious (a friend of mine dared me to stay injury free until the end of April so I'm not going to forfeit that now). So praise God it happened where it did and nothing too serious got damaged (both on me and the car). So yes... that's my little anecdote for y'all for the day in my accident prone life.

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