Friday, June 12, 2009

Teaching: round one

So I got the go ahead to teach in a secondary school (high school) called Jinja Modern. They have given me a 45 minute block to do basically whatever I want with the students who decide to come. The school already has what is called a Scripture Union that meets during lunch every day, but the ones who are in charge of it have such whacked out theology that it's seriously like a wee TBN. It's because of their crazy way of doing things that I wanted to have my own thing not connected with them at all so that the kids who didn't go for what they normally do may come and be fed. This Thursday I went in there to teach and kind of the key Scripture Union kids came in and as we were waiting for others to come, they started talking about what program they were going to do and I had to have a fun time of telling them I'm in control of this one (delicately of course). After some "interesting" worship led by some of them and them trying to do some crazy praying and me having to put a stop to that, I was finally able to teach. I'm teaching through the book of Ecclesiastes and so this should be interesting to see how the kids will respond. I've been warned that because I'm teaching expositorily and I'm separating myself from the scripture union I'm kind of jumping into the middle of a boxing match where they're going to try and take whatever swings they can at me. I just pray that I don't EVER give into my flesh in response to the things they may try to do or say and that I will just be faithful to what God ahs called me to do and that's to preach the Word and make disciples.

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