Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When people are big...

So this is a bit of a different post from what I normally do, but I just had to process this thought and it seemed that what better to do it than here.

Before I came to Africa, Neil gave me a list of books I should add to my library that deal with various issues that could arise in counseling situations, and one of the books is called When People are Big and God is Small. So basically I decided to start tackling that stack of books and as I picked up this little book I had no idea what was about to hit me. I find it funny that when you are searching for ways to minister to others you are more often than not ministered to yourself, and it's typically even more help to you than the people you originally intended to be your audience, and that's definitely the case here.

The book's theme is attacking the whole thing about how you put more weight in what others think or may think versus seeking to please God. It's funny because in some cases I would consider myself a people pleaser who just happens to frequently tick people off. It's amazing how much weight we can put on others opinions. We all do it, and most of the time we do it without realizing it. I have to admit my butt is getting kicked, but in a good way. I always have those verses in my Bible highlighted in yellow and orange (that means those are the verses I want to memorize) that talk about seeking to please God instead of seeking to please man, but I never had the heaviness of them hit me until now. Oh man, this is just another thing to add to the list of areas I fall short in, but such are the joys of the process of sanctification.

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